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Are you an investor?
All your investment inquiries can be answered here.
Who are the investors?
Who are the investors?
What is the expected rate of return on investment?
What is the expected rate of return on investment?
When can I get the returns?
When can I get the returns?
What type of investment is there on Safqah Financial Platform?
What type of investment is there on Safqah Financial Platform?
What are the risks of investing in real estate development?
What are the risks of investing in real estate development?
What is the maximum limit for investment in the deal?
What is the maximum limit for investment in the deal?
Are you a real estate developer?
All your investment inquiries can be answered here.
Are you a real estate developer?
All your investment inquiries can be answered here.
What is the maximum funding limit for your project?
What is the maximum funding limit for your project?
What are the financial products offered in the Safqah?
What are the financial products offered in the Safqah?
How can I become a qualified real estate developer?
How can I become a qualified real estate developer?
What is the interest rate on your financing?
What is the interest rate on your financing?
What are the guarantees that must be provided?
What are the guarantees that must be provided?
What is the maximum financing duration?
What is the maximum financing duration?
Safqah Capital Company is the first financing company using debt instruments in the real estate development sector, with a commercial registration number (1010639885) and headquartered in Riyadh. It is licensed by the Capital Market Authority with license number (2023-5-3) and all investments are approved by the Islamic Sharia Authority. By using the Deal Financial platform for investing, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and your agreement to adhere to them, in addition to all applicable laws and regulations. You are not allowed to start investing and using the platform if you do not agree to the terms and conditions. The terms may be changed, amended, or updated by the platform administrators at any time, and you will be notified of any significant changes affecting your investment. If you continue using the platform after any modifications, it means you accept all these changes. Investing in medium and small real estate development companies involves medium to high risks, and at Deal, we strive to minimize risks through guarantees. However, some cases may lead to a total loss of your investment, so you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Investing in long-term instruments is also considered suitable for long-term investors.
Frequently Asked Questions
شركة صفقة المالية وهي أول شركة للتمويل بأدوات الدين في قطاع التطوير العقاري، ذات السجل التجاري رقم (1010639885) ومقرها مدينة الرياض. مُرخصة من هيئة السوق المالية بترخيص رقم (2023-5-3) وجميع الاستثمارات معتمدة من قبل الهيئة الشريعة الإسلامية. باستخدامك منصة صفقة المالية للاستثمار، فإنك تُشير إلى قبولك لهذا الشروط وموافقتك على الإلتزام بالشروط، إضافة إلى جميع القوانين واللوائح المعمول بها، ولا يُسمح لك ببدء الاستثمار واستخدام المنصة في حال عدم الموافقة على الشروط والأحكام. يُمكن تغيير الشروط و تعديلها أو تحديثها بواسطة القائمين على المنصة في أي وقت، وسيتم إشعارك بأي تغييرات جوهرية تؤثر على استثمارك، في حال استمرار استخدامك للمنصة بعد التعديل يعني قبولك لجميع هذه التغييرات. يرتبط الاستثمار بالشركات المتوسطة والصغيرة الحجم في التطوير العقاري بمخاطر متوسطة إلى عالية، ونحن نسعى في صفقة إلى تقليل المخاطر من خلال الضمانات، لكن قد تؤدي بعض الحالات إلى الخسارة الكاملة لاستثمارك، لذا يجب عدم الاستثمار بالأموال التي لا يُمكنك تحمل خسارتها، ويعتبر أيضًا الاستثمار في الصكوك طويل الأجل ومناسب للمستثمرين على المدى الطويل.
Frequently Asked Questions
Safqah Capital Company is the first financing company using debt instruments in the real estate development sector, with a commercial registration number (1010639885) and headquartered in Riyadh. It is licensed by the Capital Market Authority with license number (2023-5-3) and all investments are approved by the Islamic Sharia Authority. By using the Deal Financial platform for investing, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and your agreement to adhere to them, in addition to all applicable laws and regulations. You are not allowed to start investing and using the platform if you do not agree to the terms and conditions. The terms may be changed, amended, or updated by the platform administrators at any time, and you will be notified of any significant changes affecting your investment. If you continue using the platform after any modifications, it means you accept all these changes. Investing in medium and small real estate development companies involves medium to high risks, and at Deal, we strive to minimize risks through guarantees. However, some cases may lead to a total loss of your investment, so you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Investing in long-term instruments is also considered suitable for long-term investors.